
The start of new life in a women is the most precious time...yay yes it’s pregnancy.Its time to know new changes in your body coming as u live through coming months of gestation.it’s common to have mental confusion and symptoms during pregnancywhich is termed as pregnancy induced brain fag ..which is all because of raising pregnancyhormones and is normal.
Here is what you can do about it

_Prepare yourself , this phase is temporary and about to pass. Acetylcholine is a chemical released from brain which plays important role in balancing memory.
So, please Have foods rich in choline like foods having DHA and Omega 3 fatty acids like walnuts, flax seeds, well cooked salmon fish, which is healthy for both you and baby s brain development.

_Get help_ please have a support system from tour spouse, parents , or maid or known trusty people to have a good emotional support and peace during the course.

_Organise _ write down your plans, like visit to your doctor, taking prenatal supplements, other house chores , so that you will not forget. discuss things which you feel weird with your childbirth educator.

_Take a deep breath _ Stress and mental confusion will only cloud the brain even more, relax and engage in light physical exercises. Have a good sense of humour, take it light, finally who is going to blame you if you kept the television remote in fridge. Its a phase and shall pass.
Enjoy the changes in your body and growing baby phase of your pregnancy, take care.